
Sunday verse

Late but not forgotten. As I was on facebook  reading or viewing some stories, I get the courage to feel free to be everyday more and more who I am. Not that I don’t know already but there are many layers to who one can be in many of us. Hope all had a wonderful Sunday. Here is the verse.


Good Afternoon, what a beautiful Saturday. Go out take a drive and enjoy the Sun. Here is todays Verse. If you like my daily verse go to the link and follow my page, thanks.

Its Friday

Hello everyone, finally Friday and what a week this was. Start of the week was good but toward the end it was like going down a hill with no breaks in the car. Definitely a lot to take it but you know what it ended in a positive note and with that being said here is, TODAYS VERSE

Todays verse



I am certified as a PEER SPECIALIST and maybe I have not been out on the field a long time I do have my own life to share and thats what a peer specialist is all about experiencing certain situation coming out strong and being able to be there for others.

Verse of the day

Good afternoon, what a wonderful day today.  I may step out side go to the store, take the meds to my father in law. Not sure if for anyone else but every time I go out I get a bit anxious. You know I have kids so just thinking I may get sick and bring to the kids drives me a bit insane. Do any other mother feel like this? Comments and let me know how you feel. Jasmine :)